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![]() Spiritual Mission of Russia [1]In the name of I AM THAT I AM Words fail me to express the depth of Love in my heart that I feel toward you. Please accept my Love and gratitude. You know what is most important for the growth of my soul at present. I ask you to help me not to forget in the midst of the hustle of the day May my unbreakable bond with you support me in my life and help me In the name of the Father and of the Mother and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen! 1. I AM Mother Mary. I can't wait to share happy news with you! You know that I am the patroness of Russia, and you know that people of this country have spent much time in their prayers to me since ancient times. I help with healing, my icons have a miraculous effect and protect and heal people in need of protection and help. I put my presence into many images of mine in the form of icons; and from the expression of my face and eyes you can always learn the answers to the questions you are anxious about. I aspire to communication with you; and I give you all possible help, my beloved children. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 2. The good news I would like to tell you about concerns my favourite Russia. You know that a big mission of leading the peoples along the spiritual Path is destined to this country. And at last, the Path is open, and Russia has reached the point of its Path from where the future mission is seen, it has reached the point on its Path which is supposed to reveal the mission. You know that many prophets of the past were talking about the great role and mission of this country. We have been watching carefully the development of the individuals whose destiny is connected with Russia, who have incarnated in Russia for hundreds of years. And, you know, we have concluded that Russia has deserved the right to step on the Path of the spiritual leader of the world, due to its best representatives. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 3. Russia is called upon to become a highly spiritual country. It is exactly now that the foundations of the future spiritual country are being laid, despite the seeming lack of spirituality. Right now the people of Russia, being tired of the hopelessness and unbelief, are ready to aspire to the Source of the Divine grace, to kneel and say in their hearts: "Lord, forgive me, Lord, forgive us, Our Heavenly Father. We know not what we do. We have relied upon our carnal power and caused a lot of misfortunes due to our foolishness. Please, Lord, attend unto our prayer. Lord, forgive us everything we have done, forgive us all the troubles and misfortunes we have caused in the world. Lord, if it is by Your Will, come to our country, make us listen to reason and help us follow along Your Path". The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 4. And as soon as people of Russia represented by its best sons and daughters are capable of repenting in their heart, unprecedented Divine opportunity for this country will be revealed. Very soon you will face a huge burst of spirituality in Russia. And it won't be important for you which temple to visit and where to kneel, as you will ascend in your consciousness to the Divine top where there are no previous contradictions between different confessions and religions. Your hearts will be full of such Divine bliss that you will stop feeling any negativity to the people around who are not like you. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 5. Become the one in the united impulse of your hearts. Become the one under the slogan of spiritual unity of the nation. Spiritual unity is possible only after repentance; and only after the spiritual consolidation Russia will be able to settle those patterns of spiritual creative work of human best representatives, that have been already created on the fine plane and are ready for being settled on the physical plane. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 6. I have to tell you that the future of Russia is not connected with any particular religion but with the tolerance, to every true manifestation of worshiping God. I do not mean the cases of intolerance of the past. I am speaking about a qualitatively new level of consciousness which will comprise Divinity and will settle all contradictions that have been deliberately aggravated by sly human mind for the last thousands of years. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 7. I have come to you today in order to bring to your consciousness the necessity of realizing the mission of Russia. I haven't come for you to feel pride; I have come to boost your spirit so you can ascend to the new turn of your development. The night, the dark night is over for Russia. Come out at dawn and watch how the sun is rising. In the same way the sun of the Divine consciousness has started to rise in the people of Russia. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 8. Stop watching the West. Stop using the patterns that are not only useless but are also harmful. Your mission is to bring new patterns. Very soon the peoples all over the world will be listening about and watching the changes that are taking place in Russia, in surprise. In this country the changes will not come from the authorities, politicians or economists; here the changes will come from the hearts of the people; and it will be impossible not to notice those changes. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 9. Every time you look in the eyes of the newly incarnated little people, try to understand the message carried in their eyes. Your duty is to help the new generation not only to get everything necessary on the material plane, but your task is also to help every incarnated person to fulfil the Divine mission. The individuals, who will make Russia a spiritual capital of the world, have started to incarnate right now. Don't miss your chance of serving the world. Give help to these children of the Earth, to the representatives of the new race. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 10. Now I am ready to proceed to my Blessing. I have come today to give a little part of my heart, the heavenly grace, to you, who are reading my message. I have come in order to give you the whole momentum of my Love, Faith and Hope. I only ask you never to forget your Divine origin and your Divine mission, being busy with your daily problems. I love you with all my heart, and I am ready to come at your first call to give help to those who need it. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit and to the Divine Mother In the name of the Father and of the Mother and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. [1] The Rosary is based on Mother Mary's dictation of June 25, 2007. [2] The text of the prayer to Mother Mary is translated in accordance with the prayer given by Mother Mary in Her dictation of January 4, 2009. |
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